Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Wright Stuff

Occasionally in life one meets an individual made up of “all the right stuff”. In the case of Patty Wright Gomez, the phrase is particularly apropos. The FRP Marketing Department had hired an individual named Avril Marshall from Memphis to assist us in the Nashville office.  Avril became engaged to a longtime friend from Memphis who was living in Naples, FL.  Her fiancé, Marshall Duncan, and his mom were friends with Patty Gomez and when Marshall mentioned Avril’s new job, Patty wanted to speak with us.

For several years Patty and her sister had talked of writing a cookbook and Patty actually did write a small cookbook on 3 x 5 recipe cards but her recipe collection was far larger than the original put together in 1951.

"My love for cooking only grew as my own family did; and my passion for reading cookbooks, collecting recipes, and sharing food with friends and family morphed into this book:  All The Wright Stuff-From Everyday to Gourmet."

Patty had little knowledge of the publishing industry and all of the work necessary to get a book published.  However, she did have some great friends and family like Rebecca Burnett-Grubb and Brenda Miller to support her along the way.  Patty’s step-granddaughter, Heather Dockweiller, got in on the act as well.

I flew down to meet with Patty and quickly realized that her collection of recipes was far greater than most.

"My love for cooking developed when I was so young and small, I stood on a stool and learned to make cornbread, under my grandmother's watchful eye.  From that time forward, I was in the kitchen as much as I was allowed."

Her collection included everything from everyday recipes to gourmet dishes.  We began to work on a format and came to the conclusion that the thickness of the book would require a very sturdy binding—we used a semi-concealed wire-o binding which allowed the binder board on the back cover to reinforce this book.

As the deadline drew to a close for Patty’s final manuscript to come in to FRP, Patty and her husband Jack, along with Rebecca Burnett Grubb, flew into Nashville to meet with our team and finalize the design.  During that meeting, Steve Newman, FRP Art Director, took a photograph back to his office and designed a quick wrap cover which featured Patty and a great pop-over roll recipe. Jack loved it and the book quickly moved forward to completion as a 448-page finished book.

Since 1982 when I started up the current FRP business model I have never “marked” so many recipes to try from one title—this is a "simple food"  lovers dream.  Patty tells me that the book has been a local hit in Naples where she and Jack spend their winters as well as in The Highlands, NC where they spend their summers.

Patty is a prime example of how an individual with spirit, entrepreneurship, and commitment can not only develop a great cookbook but also market and sell it—she printed 7,500 copies and I predict will need a re-order sometime early in 2011. Patty Gomez is clearly made of “The Wright Stuff”.

1 comment:

  1. I realize this article is 9 years old. My name is Ara and I had the good fortune to cook for Patty and Jack many moons ago. I still have many of her wonderful recipe ! Yes, some on those little cards which somehow remained in my briefcase and probably she looked for them at sometime. I would love to get in touch with her. She and Jack were my favorite Clients. She will remember
