Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Sidebar Blog

The central focus of my blog is devoted to the impact that community cookbooks have on our nation. While I don’t want to lose that focus, occasionally, a topic will pop up that I feel passionate about sharing.

 Approximately 5-6 years ago, I met a local Nashville photographer by the name of John Guider.  When I met John for the first time he had just completed the first leg of a remarkable journey.  John’s initial adventure of paddling the Mississippi River was more of an adventure and personal challenge than anything else.  However, it has turned into a passion and mission to bring attention to our waterways, wetlands, and natural wonders.

 Since that first trip, John returned to the River three times to complete the entire journey in stages of north to south.  His impressions and details of the trip are chronicled in his book, The River Inside, and can also be seen in traveling exhibit, The River Inside, currently open in Helena, AR.  To see more about John's adventures, click here.



 John is currently on the water as he canoes The Great Loop again to draw attention and promote our natural resources.  With the devastation in the Gulf due to the oil spill I would recommend a purchase of The River Inside as a daily reminder of our great natural resources and to give a perspective that may cause us to treasure nature above money.

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