Even if you are marketing a book that has been in existence for some time you should still make use of developing followers via your blog. Take the first step and get started. To help you I've included the article from Table Talk below.
BLOGGING…how to and when to…
Blogging started out as people simply journaling about their day-to-day experiences, thoughts, opinions, etc..etc… It has evolved into the main online avenue through which “experts” in their fields are found, followed, and relied upon by the average person all the way up to the main editorial departments of major news publications, for information specific to their area of expertise.
Getting started with a blog is relatively simple – there are various systems you can use which have no costs involved. The most used is BLOGGER which is very user-friendly. More importantly it is a part of the Google system and therefore has a built-in significant “find” within that search engine giant.
Building a blog template takes less than 30 minutes to put in place using their wizard. There are plenty of template styles, widgets and gadgets you can use to jazz up your overall blog look and layout. It is up to you how much you want to customize your blog layout.
So, start simple and build on it.
First, as in all things Social Media, you have to determine WHO you want to connect with in regard to WHAT your interest or area of expertise is. Do some research at other blogs that you personally follow and see what people are talking about.
Try to blog once a day if you want to really be taken seriously in a professional or expertise environment. Some people only blog one or two times a week which is acceptable for a more relaxed personal style, but the blogger who only blogs when they have something significant to say about themselves won’t have much of a following.
Content Is King - a nice mix of original content, along with curated content with just a dash of promotional content will make for a more meaningful relationship with your community. Curated content is information you share form another “resource” you trust on any given subject. Add your own perspective to the curated content you are sharing, so you don’t just repeat the same information. Be sure to always give full credit on curated content.
Most people check their favorite blogs first thing in the morning and with a quick read through can determine an idea on what their own post for the day might be to pickup on any hot-topics-at-hand. That’s not to say you can’t put up posts that are entirely of your own original thought subject matter – just be sure it’s relative to the interest of your community followers. In fact, setting up scheduled posts that automatically roll out each day is a great way of daily posting when you have a very busy schedule on hand or go on vacation.
Be sure to comment on other blog postings – this will encourage them to do likewise on yours. When their followers see them post on another blog, this can cause them to check you out and potentially become regular followers of your blog too.
SHARE BUTTONS are a great way for people to quickly add your blog postings to their own social media areas. You can find information for the code needed to add share buttons to your template from any number of resources. When adding share buttons to your blog, it’s a good idea to add that line of code to the end of each post, not just on the blog home page. That way each post can easily be shared even if it’s not on the main home page where the most recent posting will sit. You want to make it as quick and easy as possible for people to pass along your postings…and don’t forget to post it to your own FACEBOOK and TWITTER accounts as well.
So, Blog Early and Blog Often on subjects which are near the heart of your community of followers for optimum results!
What do you think? Can you envision the fun you can have with developing and writing a weekly or daily blog? I would love to follow your blogs so let me know when you get started. In addition, here are a few links to client links that you might enjoy reading.
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