On Thursday, Billie Rose from The Junior League of Chattanooga shared ideas about the launch of Seasoned to Taste. She was truly a dynamic speaker and shared an idea I'd never heard before. Early on Friday morning we were entertained with a visit by renowned country music song writer George Teren. While George's songs had nothing to do with cookbooks his participation was a nice touch that could only be had in Nashville.
The last outside presenter was the talented cookbook author Pam Lyles. Pam spent most of an hour detailing marketing ideas that have made Da Cajn Critter such a success. One common trait that Billie and Pam exhibited was perserverence. Both shared numerous stories of meeting obstacles along the way until finally overcoming the hurdle.
If you or your organization has a cookbook for sale when is the last time you joined a forum such as the one I just described to learn from others and garner new knowledge?
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