Since this blog is dedicated to community cookbooks and custom publishing that affect grass roots organizations and individuals across the US, I thought it appropriate today to "remember" the community of 9/11 families. In my opinion 9/11 should be a day of dedication to the ideals and values which the victims of 9/11 died for.

We all remember exactly what we were doing when the news started coming in, as well as the gut wrenching feeling of devastation that followed. What I also will also remember and cherish is the feeling of resolve and the united spirit of the American people to never be cowed by cowardly acts of terror.
So, as individuals and as communities let's "remember" with a sense of "one nation under God" that those who died in the 9/11 attacks did not do so in vain. A salute to all of the victims, their families as well as the heroes who emerged in those tragic days. A second salute to you and me for our commitment to never forget.
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