Happy Thanksgiving! I do hope you'll be enjoying good food and fellowship this holiday.
Book opportunitites abound. The opportunities are not determinded by the format--printed or electronic but rather on whether there is a market for the content. It is simply not true that a new book cannot be successful in today's world.
This was recently confirmed by our new Meet Me At imprint which was launched last year and is currently being expanded. Our Meet Me At Opryland Hotel just placed a rush order for 2,000 more copies after going through an initial order of 5,000 books earlier in the year. And this re-order is just to get them through their immediate needs.
Another beautiful book in this series is Meet Me on Jekyll Island and projections say it will be in a reprint mode by May of 2012.
Now, there are many books already on the market about Opryland Hotel and Jekyll Island. So why would someone publish another title? Because the Meet Me At books are in a creative format and design which also provides interesting information that appeals to consumers. These books are currently in a printed version but I can see a day in the not too distant future where there will be a niche for an electronic version as well.

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