FRP originated out of an imprint launched in 1962 known as Favorite Recipes Press. The business model for our publishing services has grown and expanded steadily throughout the almost 50 years of business. The same is true of our client base. Because of our expansion into non-cookbook related publishing efforts we are changing our name. Favorite Recipes Press will remain a key imprint under our new Publishing umbrella but that imprint is only a part of the story.

Of course, Favorite Recipes Press also continues to serve the clients interested in developing community and branded cookbooks as well as distribute them into the trade. Our work with QVC in the cookbook arena has been successful and we expect to continue that relationship.
You will notice the title change in my blog header that reflects our new structure and I will endeavor to create posts that speak to other areas of custom publishing other than just cookbooks.

Our goal is to continue offering first class publishing and distribution services to a broad segment of the US in various specialty fields. In addition, to printed books we will soon be offering e-reader formats as a segment of each client's publishing strategy.
We hope that you will think of Southwestern Publishing Group, Inc. if you or someone you know is researching the idea of a specialty book publication. Please be on the lookout for other announcements as we make the move to expand the many specialty offerings of Southwestern Publishing Group, Inc.
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