Favorite Recipes Press Cookbook University is happening May 8 & 9, 2012 at the Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashville, TN. Registration is now open, and you can read about all the details here. Favorite Recipes Press Cookbook University addresses specific needs of diverse publishing groups. Novice publishers need one kind of information; experienced publishers producing second or third volumes need another. We provide both seminars targeted to specific audiences. Cookbook University offers you the opportunity to:
- Learn all about the aspects of publishing a custom cookbook
- Get the information you need to publish a marketable book
- Create a successful marketing and sales program to support your goals
- Meet the Favorite Recipes Press staff and network with other publishers
- Leave with valuable and exciting information
Favorite Recipes Press Client: $125 for each attendee / Master-Level Class: included in Tuition
Non-Client: $425 per person / Master-Level Class: $125 (in additional to Tuition)
Room rate at the Sheraton Music City Hotel is $109 per night (single/double).
Be sure to get registered by April 12, 2012. If there was ever an action step you could take to accomplish so much in one event on the subject of self-publishing this is it! No matter if you are thinking about developing a book, just researching the subject or have a cookbook that needs marketing and sales help this is the event to attend. I hope to see you there.