Wednesday, August 24, 2011


During our FRP Cookbook University seminar in April, one of our publishers that sent representatives was the Junior Legue of Tampa.  Denise Schultz and Aspen Kahl were there as the new committee co-chairs.

This week I received an e-mail from Denise and I inquired about their sales efforts. Here's what she had to say:

"Sales are going! We had a brunch for all of the previous cookbook chairs to get first dibs on the new book (50th Anniversary Edition of Gasparilla) and we sold 104. We did a cookbook sale to the committee and sold a ton of books. I'm not sure what the final number of it is.

Our Marketing Committee just brought on two new wholesale accounts this past weekend and they are getting together this Thursday night to create goodie bags for a sales push for the month of September. The women in charge are on top of it and have created a strategic plan, a tracking sales spreadsheet and a detailed listing of vendors."

In my mind this is a testimonial to what enthusiasm and commitment mean to a marketing effort such as a cookbook. I shared a quote last week from Sue Gruber in Louisiana on their success--again it was fueled by passion and commitment.

Don't let the hype of the world get to you.  Cookbooks are as popular as ever--we're still eating 3 times a day and we crave new and exciting ways to fix the same foods. A successful cookbook campaign (even like the one in Tampa which has been going on for 50 consecutive years) is about enthusiasm, passion and effort. 

Thanks Denise and Sue for sharing your good success and please tell your other committed volunteers thanks for reminding us what success is made up of.

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